

Глиоксаль 40% жидкое сырье для сшивки целлюлозы из Gpam/агента, повышающего прочность в сухом состоянии

Глиоксаль 40% жидкое сырье для сшивки целлюлозы из Gpam/агента, повышающего прочность в сухом состоянии

Глиоксаль широко используется в бумажной промышленности, главным образом, для следующих целей: 1. Связующее вещество оса


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Glyoxal 40% Liquid Pulp Crosslinking Agent Raw Material of Gpam/Dry Strength Agent

Внедрение продукции

Наименование товара

Глиоксаль 40%

Фиксированный контент

≥40 %




25 кг/Fass, 200 кг/Fass, 1000 кг/IBC-Fass

Минимум для заказа

1000 кг

ХарактеристикиБесцветная прозрачная жидкость с резким запахом.
растворимостьГлиоксаль смешивается с водой, спиртом, эфиром, хлоридом и другими органическими растворителями.
плотность1,06 г/см3 (25 °С)
температура плавления-123°С
точка кипения104°С

Glyoxal 40% Liquid Pulp Crosslinking Agent Raw Material of Gpam/Dry Strength Agent

Glyoxal is widely used in the paper industry, mainly for the following aspects: 1. Slurry binder in soap solution. In the papermaking process, cellulose fibers made of wood pulp or non-wood pulp are made into pulp, and then converted into paper or board by tape casting and other processes. In order to improve the adhesion between fibers in the slurry, binders such as glyoxal are often added to it. 2. Flame retardants. Glyoxal has a high fire point and flash point, and can be used to enhance the fire resistance of paper. It is often used in combination with other flame retardants such as ammonium phosphate. 3. Denaturants. It is used to change the physical and mechanical properties of paper such as strength, elasticity, and tearing properties. Through the chemical reaction with cellulose, glyoxal can change the molecular chain of cellulose to achieve the purpose of denaturation. 4. Water repellant. Used to make paper waterproof and resistant to water and liquid penetration. Glyoxal can make the pore size of cellulose smaller through the cross-linking reaction with cellulose, so as to achieve the effect of water repellency. 5. Additives. Used for sizing and surface sizing of paper, endowing paper with smoothness, printing performance, anti-blocking properties, etc. These goals are achieved through the interaction of glyoxal with other ingredients. In addition to the above, glyoxal can also be used as a fungicide, bleach stabilizer and adhesive in the paper industry. In a word, glyoxal can be widely used in various aspects of papermaking process by virtue of its various functional groups, which plays a key role in improving the performance of paper, and is an important and indispensable chemical raw material in papermaking industry.

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